Equal Opportunities Commission

Works towards the elimination of discrimination and the promotion of equality of opportunity and good relations

About Equal Opportunities Commission
The Commission
The Equal Opportunities Commission is an independent statutory body set up under the Equal Opportunities Act 2008 (EOA), to administer that Act. The Commission’s role is to promote anti-discrimination and equal opportunity principles and policies throughout Mauritius.
Complaints Lodging and Handling
Lodging a Complaint
Any person who feels that any of his rights under the Equal Opportunities Act has been infringed may lodge a written complaint with the Commission. In order to assist the aggrieved person, a Complaint Form requiring the complainant to specify the grounds on which he felt discriminated and to explain the circumstances that led to same has been designed by the Commission.
know your rights
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
This is a short description elaborating the service you have mentioned above.
Sexual Harassment
This is a short description elaborating the service you have mentioned above.
Equal Opportunity Policy
This is a short description elaborating the service you have mentioned above.
Whats new

Public and private sector organisations
With a view to encouraging adherence to principles of fairness, equal opportunity and transparency, sensitisation sessions are held with staffs

Secondary Schools
The Commission has been conducting awareness campaigns about the provisions of the Equal Opportunities Act in various educational institutions in Mauritius and Rodrigues